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The good humor and creativity that I put into the content of each episode is what makes this Spanish teaching podcast completely different from the others. For example, I do a podcast series where 4 guests participate, each of them comes from a different Spanish-speaking country. Manolo is from Spain, Nico, from Argentina, Pancho, is Mexican, and Juanjo is a “paisa” from Colombia, guess who does the voices of each character? With this series you will learn intercontinental Spanish, so you will be able to understand and make yourself understandable in whichever Spanish speaking country.
To help you learn Spanish fluently I will send every new podcast to your mailbox AND you will receive the script of each new episode for FREE. This is exclusively for subscribers.

Spanish On Fire Series
There is another podcast series where I interview non-native speakers, such as the renowned Dutch web designer and travel blogger, Sabine Boogaard, who is also our permanent contributor to the show. But in addition to that I also invite students from my private Spanish classes. This podcast series is a kind of hot seat, where I ask questions related to a specific topic and then correct the mistakes of my guests on air.
You will learn: identify common mistakes in Spanish and their corrections.
Walk And Learn Series
As I am a traveler, I also record podcasts while walking the streets of any city in the world. This is a podcast series where spontaneity prevails, without neglecting the presentation of historical and cultural notes that surround the place visited.
You will learn: real-life situations in different contexts and cultural situations.
Limited time? Listen My Short Podcast Series
For the days when your time is limited, I have a short podcast series where I explain and give examples to properly use the most exotic words in the Spanish language.
You will learn: idioms and vocabulary are very important to build a strong knowledge of the Spanish language. This podcast helps you with that.
Dialogues Series
Here you also will find a great variety of topics dialogues, based on all the situations that a native Spanish speaker faces on a daily basis.
You will learn: speaking Spanish as a native speaker with dialogues based on real-life situations.
Cultural Series
In my cultural podcast series I am focused on the curiosities of the Spanish-speaking culture. You will also listen to the answers on the questions that listeners from all over the world ask me. In this way, I answer the questions that concern you the most when learning Spanish.
You will learn: differences in usage and forms among the different Spanish speaking countries.
Traveling Chronicle Series
I use the journalistic chronicle genre to teach you vocabulary related to a wide variety of topics. These episodes are colorful tales set with fun and impressive experiences.
It sounds cool huh? So join me!
You will learn: journalism is one of the most important communication tools worldwide. Through this tool I will teach you how to speak Spanish fluently.

Like A Sigmund Freud Of Teaching Spanish
I am like a kind of Sigmound Freud of teaching Spanish. My classes are like clinics where I personally identify all the problems that prevent students from improving their learning and way of speaking Spanish. That experience is what has allowed me to group the episodes of this podcast into various series.
The LEARN SPANISH WITH A NATIVE SPEAKER podcast is the meeting place for those who want to speak Spanish like a native.
My name is Alex De la Paz, I am a journalist, professor, and I will be your host while you have fun learning Spanish.
I think I have superpowers when I am teaching something, or I am in front of the microphones, for the rest I am a simple human being.
¡Disfruta de las cosas sencillas de la vida, bienvenidos!
Learn Intercontinental Spanish And They Will Always Understand You
Having lived in various countries in Latin America and in Europe prepared me to teach intercontinental Spanish. That is why the contents of my podcasts and my one-on-one classes focus on teaching the Spanish that is spoken in any Spanish-speaking country.
That means that after learning the teachings from the podcast or from my classes, you will be able to feel safe when talking to the locals, whether it is ordering margaritas on the beaches of the Colombian Caribbean, eating a barbecue in Argentina, or enjoying a paella in Spain.

How Can listening To Learn Spanish With A Native Speaker Podcast?
Based on my own experience in learning other languages, and analyzing the progress of my students over many years, there are two fundamental aspects to listening to a language teaching podcast:
1. Frequency: I recommend listening to the same podcast episode for a week, at least once every day. That way you will become completely familiar with the subject, and most importantly you will record in your mind, vocabulary and phrases that native speakers use permanently.
2. Perform active listening: initially you can listen to the podcast without taking notes, passively. Although, for the learning of new vocabulary to be effective you must take notes, and write the words and phrases that you hear. Surely you already know that this is called active listening.
3. Listen to the episodes without reading the scripts: then, you must look for their meanings and make examples that you can use in your conversations. Afterwards, you can read the script over and over and listen again to the podcast. This effort will pay off: speaking Spanish fluently!
Now that you know how to listen to the podcast, it’s time for you to get to work!
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And receive every new podcast directly in your email PLUS every podcast script for FREE. The scripts are exclusively for subscribers. Are you ready to learn Spanish?